Alwar: In a shocking incident, two brothers in Alwar district of Rajasthan returned home along with the wedding procession without the brides after allegedly not getting dowry demanded at the eleventh hours from their in-laws, the bride's father alleged. Police have launched an investigation into the case.
The incident has taken placed at Tikri village of Govindgarh police station area of Alwar district of Rajasthan on May 21, Sunday. Fajru Khan, father of the two brides has lodged a complaint against the accused at Govindgarh police station. In his complaint, Fajru Khan said that the marriage of his daughters was to be held with Nasir Khan and Zaid Khan, sons of Mubeen, residents of Chhapra police station Gopalgarh on May 21.
Fajru Khan said that he had already paid Rs 2 lakh as dowry to the in-laws of his daughters adding there was no additional demand from the grooms. However, on the wedding day, soon after the guests finished food, the two grooms demanded Rs 3 lakh in cash and a bullet motorcycle from the in-laws as extra dowry, the father of the brides said in his complaint.