Jodhpur: In a shocking incident, a man allegedly killed his wife and 16-days-old daughter on the intervening night of Sunday and Monday after getting agitated over the birth of his 3rd daughter recently in Govindpura under Khedapa police station in Rajasthan's Jodhpur district, police said. As per police, the accused Sukhdev first strangled his wife Sita to death and then killed a 16-day-old innocent by suffocating her.
As per a police official, the accused's wife Sita gave birth to 3rd daughter 16 days ago while the family completed the Sun worship ritual of the baby girl on Sunday morning itself. When everyone in the family slept at night, Sukhdev strangled the mother-daughter duo while they were sleeping in their bed. When Sukhdev's father Kanaram saw Sita's body on Monday morning, he informed Sita's father Devaram who reached Govindpura after some time and informed the police about the matter.