Jodhpur: In a significant development, the Rajasthan High Court has dismissed the petition filed by Robert Vadra and his mother Maureen Vadra challenging the ED investigation against them in the alleged money laundering case related to buying of land in Rajasthan's Bikaner. The ED probe is related to the purchase of 275 bighas of land allegedly by the company Sky Light Hospitality LLP company, co-owned by Vadra, in the Kolayat area of the border district of Bikaner.
The ED registered a money laundering case in 2016 on the basis of FIRs registered by the Rajasthan police. Vadra, son-in-law of Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and his mother Maureen were summoned in the case on January 21, 2019. However, they were given interim bail by the court later. The two had filed a petition in the Rajasthan High Court, which had reserved the verdict on Wednesday.