Chittorgarh (Rajasthan):During a 'Tilak Dastur' at a marriage ceremony organised in Madhuban, the bridegroom's father set a new example by returning cash amount of Rs 11 lakh. He accepted only one rupee and a coconut and got his son married.
The father is being praised for his decision in the society. Bhoor Singh Ranaut, retired from the post of Assistant Police Sub Inspector in the Police Department is a resident of Rojda village. He got his daughter Madhu married on December 4 at his residence in Madhuban.
It is understood that one Mahendra Singh Rathod brought the wedding procession of his son Amrit Singh from Jaipur. There is a custom of 'Tilak Dastur' before marriage in the Rajput community. Under it, the bride's father Bhoor Singh along with his brother Parvat Singh presented Rs 11 lakh to the groom, but his father Mahendra Singh Rathod returned the cash of Rs 11 lakh to the bride's father and accepted only Rs one.