In Jaipur, nearly 10,000 BJP workers took out a rally from the state BJP headquarters to Civil Lines Crossing in the city, led by state party president Madan Lal Saini and MP Ramcharan Bohra. Former state ministers Arun Chaturvedi, Kali Charan Saraf and sitting MLAs Ramlal Sharma and Ashok Lahoti also participated in the agitation.
Police said, "The protesters shouted slogans against the government, tried to cross barricades laid by the force and courted arrest. They were released later."
BJP spokesperson Vimal Katiyar claimed that around 1 lakh BJP members, including 10,000 leaders, office bearers and workers in the state capital, were arrested in Rajasthan, protesting against the government for not fulfilling its promise of farm loan waiver.
However, DGP (law and order) Mohan Lal Lather said around 1,500 people in Jaipur and 300 people in Ajmer courted arrested.