Jaipur: Former Rajasthan deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot on Sunday said the public has accepted the issues on which he started his "Jan Sangharsh Yatra" -- corruption and government recruitment exam paper leaks. The yatra, on its fourth day on Sunday, covered a distance of around 25 km from Mehla town in Jaipur district to Mahapura, where the dissident Congress leader is scheduled to stay the night.
Addressing his supporters from the top of a bus in Mahapura on the Ajmer highway, Pilot said the yatra will reach its destination in Jaipur Monday. "The public has accepted the issues on which the yatra was started -- paper leaks and corruption -- for the future of the youth and clean politics," he said.
"This is not about a person...the public is standing by the issues with which we started," he said. Pilot also saluted the enthusiasm of his supporters and invited people to his public rally to be organised on the fifth and last day of his yatra near Kamla Nehru Nagar on Ajmer highway in Jaipur.