Jaipur: In the run-up to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's high-decibel event in poll-bound Rajasthan today, Union Minister and Jodhpur MP Gajendra Singh Shekhawat made a surprise visit to former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje's residence, setting off political discussions and intrigue.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will commence its campaign for the state elections, initiating with a grand "Parivartan Maha Sammelan" in Jaipur, where PM Modi is slated to deliver a crucial address. This event signifies the culmination of the BJP's extensive four-phase "Parivartan Yatras" that were spearheaded by senior party leaders across Rajasthan, traversing all 200 assembly constituencies with the aim of building momentum for the party ahead of the impending state elections.
Raje had been conspicuously absent from the Yatra on her home turf in Jhalawar and Kota over the past two days. Shekhawat's impromptu visit, which has ignited political conjecture, is being perceived as a gesture to convey that Vasundhara Raje is firmly aligned with the BJP and is content with the collaborative leadership approach of the Parivartan Yatra.
The relationship between these two leaders has remained distant since Raje expressed her opposition to Shekhawat's appointment as the BJP chief in Rajasthan back in 2018. At that time, she contended that his appointment would alienate the Jaat community from the party in the 2018 elections. After their meeting, Raje also attended the BJP's core committee meeting held late in the evening at the party's office in Jaipur.