Kota: The National Investigation Agency on Thursday detained two persons in Rajasthan's Kota in connection with the terror funding case linked to the now banned organization Popular Front of India, sources said. Sources said that the NIA team picked up the two persons during a raid and left with them for Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan for further proceedings.
Sources said that the NIA team reached Kota at 4:00 am early today morning to launch a raid in connection with the case. It is learnt that the visiting NIA team with the assistance of Kota police formed two teams and started the raids, one in Kunhadi and the other in Kaithoon, a rural area of Kota district. Completing this operation in two hours, the NIA team left Kota at 6:00 pm.
Also read:NIA raids multiple locations in Rajasthan in PFI case
According to Kota police sources, the NIA team has also detained two people from Kota. The two detainees have been identified as is Mubarak Ali, resident of Mawasa Road, Kaithoon and Wajid Ali from Bapu Basti in Kunhadi area of Kota. Kunhadi police station officer Mahendra Meena said that higher officials were informed that a team will arrive in the city for the raids.
Pertinently, State President of banned organization PFI Asif Mirza also lived in Sangod of Kota district. The NIA had arrested Asif Mirza from Kerala in Sept 2022. The National Investigation had said at the time that suspicious material was recovered from his house in Sangod. Later, on January 12, 2023, the NIA had raided the house of PFI District President Sajid and Mubarak in Subhash Nagar Bombay Yojana.
Apart from this, NIA has taken more than half a dozen actions at many places including Karbala, Vigyan Nagar and Kaithoon.