Udaipur(Rajasthan):Amid a tussle between the Judiciary and Executive, Union Minister of Law and Justice Kiren Rijiju said, "There is no dispute between the Judiciary and Executive." Answering questions raised by Congress regarding the demand to open the High Court Bench in Udaipur, Rijiju said, "I can't take the decision alone. It has to be discussed with the higher authorities and the High Court and the Chief Justice of India."
"Under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, the Centre is now moving towards digital rather than paperwork in the Judiciary. The announcement of the court project in the Budget will be beneficial. Digitalisation will be proved as a beneficial step for the nation. Even during the Covid when the lockdown was imposed, courts were functioning online," the Union Minister for Law told the reporters. "The era of the virtual court has come. We do not need to travel from one city to another for a hearing in court. We are going to make the Indian judicial system paperless and virtual."