Jaipur: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested two suspected terrorist from Maharashtra in connection with a terror conspiracy case in Rajasthan. The two absconding accused, including the kingpin, are wanted in regard to seizure of explosives and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) materials from Rajasthan's Chittorgarh in 2022 as part of the conspiracy of the ISIS-linked Al-Sufa terror outfit, officials said on Tuesday.
The duo, Mohammad Yunus Saki and Imran Khan, residents of Madhya Pradesh's Ratlam were produced before the NIA special court in Jaipur yesterday. According to a press release issued by NIA, the arrest of the two accused will help the agency to establish the missing links in the case and lead it to unearth ISIS's linkages to active members and the sleeping modules in India. The two were actively involved in spreading ISIS ideology before their arrest.
Earlier, NIA had seized explosives and various components used in fabrication of IEDs that were in possession of the accused. Investigations revealed that in order to spread terror in Rajasthan and other places in India, the two accused had procured materials and substances for fabricating the IEDs. They were trained in fabrication of IEDs and were also involved in training others.