New Delhi: The National Commission for Women (NCW) on Wednesday sought an explanation from the Rajasthan Police on the “delay” in registering an FIR against Congress MLA Ved Prakash Solanki for posting pictures of the mother and children of a rape victim on social media without the family’s consent. The commission also directed the police to submit a progress report on the matter within seven days.
The NCW, which took up the matter against Solanki suo motu, conducted a hearing on Wednesday. The hearing was chaired by NCW chairperson Rekha Sharma and Superintendent of Police Anil Kumar Beniwal appeared in it on behalf of the Director-General of Police (DGP).
“The commission sought an explanation for the delay and further directed police that the progress report must be apprised in seven days. The commission has also directed that the further case updates be apprised weekly,” the NCW said in a statement.