Chittorgarh (Rajasthan): In the Bhadsoda police station area of the district, a video of a young man being beaten with a stick, has gone viral on social media. The man appears to be writhing in pain as his hands were tied up. Police have registered a case against two people for assaulting the man and another for video graphing the brutal act. It is being said that this video is two days old.
In the video, the victim can be seen pleading with the men, but they continue to beat him up. As a result, the victim suffered grievous injuries in many places and has been taken to Udaipur for treatment. The youth has been identified as a resident of Bhinder from Udaipur district. Following the incident, the family members have registered a Zero FIR at the Bhinder police station against - Raju, Basantilal and Rameshwar under various sections.