Jodhpur:Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) National President Dr Ravindranath Singh defended former spokesperson of BJP Nupur Sharma. He said that murder of Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur, which took place after supporting Nupur Sharma, was planned. "Though her comment on Prophet Mohammad have not proved whether it was wrong or not. Someone has spread it across the community within 24 hours, which ascertains our belief, that it was a planned conspiracy. Indirectly, Dr Singh said that whatever Nupur Sharma spoke during a TV debate was not wrong historically. Strategically someone spread it across the globe with mala fide intention."
Also Read:We issued notice to Nupur Sharma, she was questioned: Delhi Police after SC's rebuke
He opined, "It was not necessary to get violent on the statement, which was not made deliberately--even if someone made mistakes then it does not mean that you will take revenge by killing them--this is unacceptable and condemnable. We democratically staged our protest and everyone has equal rights as per Constitution." He asked if it was right to register their protest by eliminating those who supported Nupur's comments?
Replying to the threat to Nupur Sharma, Dr Singh said that if something happens to her then it would be a complete failure of the Union government. If Kanhaiya Lal or any citizen, including a particular community, faces such an incident like Kanhaiya Lal then where our society is heading for? He further said that he would convene a meeting of State VHP in Jodhpur in which members of 11 districts in Rajasthan will participate. Jodhpur city president Dr Ramgopal and treasurer Pankaj Bhandari said the VHP Council meeting is being convened to strengthen the organisationthe has.