Bharatpur (Rajasthan):After the arrest of cow vigilante and Bajrang Dal activist Monu Manesar, an accused in the Junaid-Nasir murder case. The police now arrested another accused Anil Multhan. The search for the remaining accused was going on for the past eight months after the incident. The accused has been arrested by the Gopalgarh police station of Deeg district from Gurgaon. Deeg Superintendent of Police Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that Anil Multhan, the accused in the Nasir-Junaid murder case, has been arrested from Rajiv Chowk in Gurgaon.
Also read:Gurugram Police granted cow vigilante Monu Manesar's 4-day remand
After receiving the information about the accused being in Gurugram, the Gopalgarh police station and QRT took joint action and arrested the accused. The accused was wanted in the Nasir-Junaid murder case and a reward of Rs 10,000 has been declared on his head. Superintendent of Police Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that till now five accused in the Nasir-Junaid murder case have been arrested. These include Rinku Saini, Monu Rana, Gogi alias Monu, Mohit alias Monu Manesar and now Anil Multhan.
It may be recalled that Manesar was arrested in connection with the abduction and killing of Nasir and Junaid. The charred bodies of the two men were found in a vehicle on the Rajasthan-Haryana border on February 16 after they were allegedly abducted by some vigilantes who accused them of cow smuggling.