Jaipur: Taking a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Chaudhary said, "If Rahul Gandhi was our current PM, our pictures would have been hanging on walls. Saying this in a humorous manner, Chaudhary accused the Congress-led state government of step-motherly treatment being meted out to the farmers.
He alleged that crop procurement at panchayat level has not started and the state government is yet to release Kharif crop subsidy, causing much problems to the farmers.
"Procurement of wheat, mustard and gram has not started due to less number of procurement centres in the state. 719 procurement centres in 11,341 panchayats of the state have not started crop procurement process. Other states have started Kharif crop procurement whereas Rajasthan is lagging behind. The negligence of state government shows that step-motherly treatment is being meted out to farmers of Rajasthan," Chaudhary told reporters through video conference from New Delhi.