Jaipur : A 22-year-old woman was hacked to death allegedly by her husband in Jaipur district in the early hours of Friday, police said. The accused, Ramkaran Meena, hit his wife Sunita with an axe in their house in Bilod village in Raisar area of Jaipur, they said. She died on the spot.
Husband hacks wife to death in Jaipur
A 22-year-old woman was hacked to death allegedly by her husband in Jaipur district in the early hours of Friday,
Etv Bharat
Primary investigation revealed that the couple quarrelled often and the woman had been living with her parents for nearly four months. She had returned to her husband's house two days back, police said.
A case of murder has been registered against the husband at the woman's father's complaint, police said. The husband is absconding and is being searched for, they added. (PTI)