Kanyakumari (TN): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday attacked the ruling BJP, claiming hate has spread in the country in the name of caste and religion and it can lead to a civil war if not checked. Addressing a press conference here ahead of the launch of the party's 3,570-km 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, Gehlot also said the party's rank and file is in favour of Rahul Gandhi becoming Congress president again.
"We will all work together under Rahul Gandhi's leadership. There are big challenges before the country and if Rahul Gandhi becomes the party chief, it will be easier to deal with them," he said. He said there was a need to give the slogan of 'Bharat Jodo' as an atmosphere has been created in the country, for the first time since Independence, that there is hate, tension and violence.