Bharatpur (Rajasthan):The administration has suspended 2G/3G/4G data internet services, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and other social media (except voice calls) in the wake of Gujjar Mahapanchayat called today. The suspension of services came into effect from midnight of October 16 and will stay in place till midnight October 17th in Bayana, Weir, Bhusawar and Rupwas of Bharatpur district.
According to a letter issued by the Divisional Commissioner, Bharatpur, internet services to government offices will continue uninterrupted during this period through BSNL broadband. The letter mentions that the temporary action has been taken in order to avoid deterioration of law and order in the region owing to the Gujjar Mahapanchayat.
The state government sources have indicated that the proposed Gujjar Mahapanchayat to be held on October 17, 2020, is against the spirit of the Rajasthan High Court's directives and coronavirus guidelines.
The proposed Gujjar Akrosh Mahapanchayat has been called on October 17 on the demands of Gujjar reservation at Adda village near Pilupura in the state.