Jodhpur (Rajasthan): Defence minister Rajnath Singh on Monday took a sortie in the Indian Air Force's Light Combat Helicopter from the air base in Jodhpur. Singh sat in the rear seat behind the pilot, wearing a Coverall suit a full-body garment, worn while flying aircraft. In his 20-minute sortie, he demonstrated various combat features of the helicopter. Before landing, the pilot performed aerial manoeuvres.
"It was a smooth and comfortable flight in the indigenously built Light Combat Helicopter (LCH). It can fly from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, weather, and altitude. It has the capability to attack. Our motto is - make in India, make for the world," the defence minister said, after the sortie.He added that there is no need to define 'Prachand', the LCH itself is capable of sending out a message to the enemy.
Notably, after the induction of LCH into the Air Force this morning, it was named 'Prachand'. The induction ceremony was held in Rajasthan's Jodhpur where newly appointed Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Anil Chauhan was also present along with the Union Minister.
While speaking on occasion, Singh said that LCH will enhance our capability and boost defence production, proving India's commitment towards self-reliance in Defence production.