Dausa (Rajasthan): In an unusual agitation, farmers at Ladli Ka Bas village, 17 km from here, on Thursday launched 'Zameen Samadhi Satyagraha', during which the farmers dug pits and buried themselves with the demand for fair compensation for their land acquired for Delhi-Mumbai Highway.
Demanding for a fair compensation, BJP's Rajya Sabha member of Parliament (MP), Dr Kirodi Lal Meena launched the 'Zameen Samadhi Satyagraha' supporting farmers and asking government to give compensation to farmers as per the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, which came into force on January 1, 2014.
While speaking to ETV Bharat, Dr Meena said, "The compensation given to farmers for constructing of the highway is half of the price in which they bought the land. "