Jaipur/New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested six persons, including an Indian Defense Accounts Service (IDAS) officer of Army's South Western Command, on charges of corruption in awarding works to private firms at the Army’s facility in Jaipur. The agency has seized Rs 40 lakh in cash during searches conducted after the arrest of the integrated financial officer in the Rs 10 lakh bribery case, officials said on Friday.
The investigating agency has arrested Uma Shankar Prasad Kushwaha, a 1998-batch IDAS officer attached to the South Western Command in Jaipur along with Ram Roop Meena, an accounts officer posted at the IFA office, Vijay Nama, a junior translator, and alleged middleman Rajendra Singh of Jaipur-based Tanushree Services.
Official sources said, "the accused of the three private firms entered into a conspiracy and were obtaining all works related to outsourcing of maintenance services for various locations in South Western Command and for extending undue favor in the award of the said works, bypassing the provisions of GeM as well as for payment of bills without objection. The companies had allegedly conspired to bribe the IFA officials to get their bills cleared without any hurdles."