Rajasthan: In the second incident in a row, Border Security Force (BSF) personnel recovered another dead eagle from the Indo-Pak border on Monday. This time, the falcon was recovered from the fencing area in the Shahgarh area of the Jaisalmer district. During patrolling, the soldiers of the 173rd Battalion of BSF Jaisalmer observed a suspicious being in the said area. The soldiers rushed to the spot, recovered the deceased eagle and informed the higher authorities about the incident.
Taking a closer look, they found that a GPS antenna was attached to the bird. Also, rings were found in the scavenger's claws. According to the information received from BSF sources, it seemed that this eagle was trained and had flown from across the border. The BSF is now investigating the GPS and ring fitted on the dead eagle. It is noteworthy that a few days ago as well, the soldiers of the South Sector battalion of the BSF had caught a live eagle, although it did not have any kind of GPS attached to it. The eagle captured earlier, too, died shortly after BSF handed it over to the forest department.