Jodhpur (Rajasthan): Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who was summoned by a Jodhpur court in connection with the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, failed to appear before it on Saturday. With the Judge hearing the case now being elevated to the High Court, the matter has now been deferred to April 18.
Khan's advocate told the court that the actor could not appear before it as he was busy with a film shoot, adding that his absence would not have an impact on the hearing.
Further, the post of the judge at the District and Sessions Court here was vacated just yesterday. Judge Chandra Kumar Songara, who was hearing Khan's case, has now been elevated as a High Court Judge.
With a new Judge yet to take charge, the reader of the court marked April 18 as the next date of hearing.
Read:Salman 'misbehaves' with fan; NSUI wants him banned from Goa