Jaipur:BJP on Monday released its first list of candidates for the Assembly Polls in Rajasthan scheduled on November 23. As many as seven MPs have found their way into the BJP's first list of 41 candidates for the assembly elections. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore to contest from Jhotwara, Diya Kumari from Vidhyadhar Nagar, Baba Balaknath from Tijara, Hansraj Meena from Sapotra and Kirodi Lal Meena to contest from Sawai Madhopur.
Voting for all 200 assembly seats in Rajasthan will take place on November 23 and counting of votes will take place on December 3. BJP leaders in Rajasthan, a Congress-ruled state, say the saffron party will win with a strong mandate. They said the party organisation is strong at the ground level in the state and exuded confidence that the work done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will give them an edge in the ensuing assembly polls.