Jaipur: Rajasthan Chief Minister designate and first time MLA in Rajasthan, Bhajanlal Sharma will take oath on Friday Dec 15 with Prime Minister Narendra Modi scheduled to attend the swearing-in ceremony. BJP leaders Diya Kumari and Prem Chand Bairwa will be sworn in as the two new Deputy Chief Ministers at the oath taking ceremony.
The grand ceremony will be held at at Albert Hall in Rajasthan capital Jaipur. Ahead of the oath taking ceremony Rajasthan Chief Secretary Usha Sharma held a meeting late Wednesday evening to take stock of the preparations for the program. An official said that during the meeting, instructions were passed with regard to the security, traffic and other arrangements for the event.
The Chief Secretary has also given instructions to ensure smooth traffic without disrupting normal life. Meanwhile, the officers at the meeting informed the Chief Secretary about the preparations related to their respective departments. CS specifically gave instructions to make tight security arrangements during the Prime Minister's visit.