Jaipur (Rajasthan): Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday said Union Home Minister Amit Shah's claim that the NIA arrested the accused in the Kanhaiya Lal murder case was a "lie" and added the state police nabbed them within four hours of the crime in Udaipur.
Soon after Shah made the claim while addressing a rally in Udaipur, the chief minister hit back at him and said he would probably be aware that the two accused were "active BJP workers". He also demanded an inquiry to expose the "BJP leaders" who helped the accused. Kanhaiya Lal, a tailor, was murdered on June 28 last year by two men who had accused him of insulting Islam after he allegedly posted content on social media in support of suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma.
Referring to the incident, Shah told the rally in Udaipur that the Gehlot government did not even want to catch the accused and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) had caught them. Gehlot sharply reacted to his remarks and tweeted in Hindi, "It is expected that people holding responsible positions will not do politics on a serious issue like terrorism but what Union Home Minister Amit Shah did in Udaipur today is an irresponsible act."