Jaipur:The wedding party of actress Hansika Motwani is ongoing in Mundota fort near Rajasthan's Jaipur. With December 4 expected to be the big day, pictures of Motwani's mehendi ceremony surfaced online on Friday. Gleaming in a red dress with yellow splashes, she was seen sitting on a sofa getting 'henna' applied. The star also danced to the tunes of Bollywood numbers with her fiance, Sohail Kathuria.
Hansika, who reached Mundota Fort in Jaipur on Thursday evening, was welcomed in Rajasthani style. On November 20, she reached Mundota Fort and Palace. On Thursday evening, the fort decorated with colorful lights was seen opening its arms to welcome the guests. Amidst the decoration of flowers for the wedding ceremony at the foothills, lights added to the beauty of the fort.