Jaipur:An eight-year-old girl thwarted a rape attempt on her by shouting for help on Friday in Jaipur, Rajasthan. A case was registered under relevant sections of the IPC as well as the POCSO Act subsequently, with the accused being tracked and arrested early on Saturday. The incident took place on Friday evening, when the child was playing near her house in the Pratap Nagar Police Station area of the capital.
According to police, the accused was identified as one Govardhan, a neighbour residing in the locality. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Pratap Nagar Station House Officer Bhajanlal said that the accused "lured the child with him saying he would give her something. After this, he took her to his house. When he proceeded to engage in sexual activities, the girl started screaming, bit his hand, and scratched him on his face. As he was shocked by her reaction, he let the child go, and fled from the spot."