Suratgarh (Rajasthan) : Five bombs were found in a canal during cleaning, triggering panic in the Suratgarh area as the police stepped up surveillance in the place. The police reached the spot, took the five bombs in their possession and kept them in a safe place. Police have informed the army bomb disposal squad and further action will be taken after the arrival of the bomb disposal squad.
The case pertains to the Suratgarh area of the Sriganganagar district, where these days cleaning work of the Indira Gandhi Canal is being done. SP Paris Deshmukh said that during cleaning and digging, the workers cleaning near Birdhwal found five bombs one after the other. This created a sensation which spread fast in the area. Of these, the length of two bamboo bombs is about 2 feet and the diameter is 6 inches while the length of three bamboo bombs is around 5 feet.