Chittorgarh:In all, 16 people were arrested in Chittorgarh city on Sunday for running a fake call centre and duping people residing in foreign countries. Personnel working at the establishment, which was located in the Kota Marg area of the city, posed themselves as Amazon employees, police said. "The fake call centre was being run from a cyber cafe located close by a hotel in the Gopal Nagar area of the city. We acted based on a tip-off and apprehended all the 16 accused," Kotwali police station in-charge Vikram Singh said.
16 arrested for running fake call centre in Chittorgarh
Most of the accused belonged to North-Eastern states such as Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland, Kotwali police station in-charge Vikram Singh said. He added that equipment used for the functioning of the call centre, including computers, was seized.
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Most of the accused belonged to North-Eastern states such as Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland, Singh said. He added that equipment used for the functioning of the call centre, including computers, was seized. Speaking on the modus operandi, Singh stated that people in other countries were duped by sending online gift vouchers for cancelling their orders. The investigation is on and the names of others involved in the scam will be revealed soon, he disclosed.