Alwar (Rajasthan): The Rajasthan police on Saturday registered a case against two men for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl in Kishangarh Bas of Rajasthan's Alwar district. According to the police, the victim had gone to the farm with her father during which the accused took her away and raped her. They also threatened to kill her if she discloses the incident to anyone. They have been absconding after committing the crime. A case has been registered against them under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
10-year-old girl gangraped in Rajasthan's Alwar, 2 people booked
The victim had gone to the farm with her father during which the accused took her away and raped her. They also threatened to kill her if she discloses the incident to anyone. They have been absconding after committing the crime.
Rajasthan: 10-year-old girl gangraped in Alwar, 2 people booked
Also read:Elderly woman raped by unidentified youth in Odisha's Cuttack
Deputy Superintendent of Police Jayprakash Beniwal said, "A special team has been formed under the supervision of Kishangarh Bas police station in-charge Amit Chaudhary. Police are raiding places in search of the accused. The victim's medical examination was conducted while the police took the investigation of the case based on a complaint lodged by the family members of the victim."