Chandigarh: Student elections were Tuesday held in Chandigarh-based Panjab University (PU) and its affiliated colleges. The election took place after the pandemic-induced gap of two years. In all, 21 candidates locked horns for four posts -- President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Joint Secretary. Eight, including two women, are in the fray for the post of President.
Around 15,000 students voted to elect the four office-bearers of the Panjab University Campus Students' Council (PUCSC). The candidates fighting for the post of President included Ayush Khatkar, Bhavanjot Kaur, Madhav Sharma, Harish Gujjar, Gurvinder Singh Kamboj, Shivali, Jodh Singh and Gurjit Singh.
In the 2019 elections, Chetan Choudhary of the Student Organisation of India (SOI) was elected the campus president. Earlier in 2018, Kanupriya of Students for Society had become the first woman president. PUCSC elections are usually held in September.