Jalandhar (Punjab): While slamming Prime Minister Narendra Modi for politicising the Balakot air strike, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh said that the Indian Air Force officer Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman "displayed valour just like every soldier does". He said that 4-5 jawans and officers die in Jammu and Kashmir every day but nobody talks about them.
"An Air Force officer displayed valour, just like every jawan does. It is their duty. What did you do that you mention him every day? You ask for votes in the name of Balakot, I do not understand what Modi intends to say. Does he mean that Army, Air Force and Navy are his?" said Singh addressing a public rally on Monday.
"They are of this country, they protect the country. I was also in the Army. Does anyone talk about incidents where 4-5 jawans and officers die every day in Jammu and Kashmir? Does anyone talk when BSF jawans die? No. Just because it appeared on TV, they keep talking about this," he said.
At an election rally in Rajasthan's Udaipur on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lashed out at the Congress party and its allies, saying that they asked for the proof of Balakot air strike, which let down the country.