Chandigarh :Three people, including two policemen, were arrested in a Rs 12 lakh bribery case here. Sub-inspector Bisman Singh, who was posted at the Nakodar Sadar police station in Jalandhar, assistant sub-inspector Resham Singh, posted in Jalandhar, and Surjit Singh were apprehended in the case, said a spokesperson of the Punjab vigilance bureau on Monday.
Two policemen among three held in bribery case in Punjab
Three people, including two policemen, were arrested in a Rs 12 lakh bribery case here in Punjab.
Complainant Harjinder Kumar, a resident of Rampur Thoda village in Rupnagar district, alleged that the sub-inspector, during his posting in Nakodar as station house officer, had arrested his brother from Hoshiarpur and impounded his truck in a false case by showing recovery of poppy husk from the vehicle.
The complainant said sub-inspector Bisman Singh through Surjit Singh and Resham Singh had already received Rs 11 lakh in installments to release his brother and the truck.
Though the accused sub-inspector was transferred to the Police Lines in Jalandhar, he was still demanding more money, Kumar said in his complaint. The spokesperson said a team of the bureau arrested Bisman Singh, Resham Singh and Surjit Singh for accepting the bribe. PTI