Chandigarh: Two persons, both brothers, hailing from Kapurthala district in Punjab were killed in a shootout in the United States on Wednesday. As per the information received from sources, the deceased have been identified as Deepi and Gora, both brothers and residents of Bidhipur in Punjab. The killer is also stated to be a resident of Kanjali village in Punjab. Relatives were in a state of shock when they heard the demise of the two brothers. The entire village was plunged into mourning. People were in utter disbelief and shock when they came to know about their deaths.
Sources said that a fight broke out between the accused and the duo over some money transactions. The duo was shot dead outside the shopping mall in the city of Portland, USA. The accused was a business partner of both. Initially, the argument broke out which escalated further into bad-mouthing and use of filthy language. Amid the heated argument, the accused suddenly took out a firearm and fired at them. Upon hearing commotion in the area, people rushed towards them. The injured were immediately taken to a hospital, where they were declared dead by the doctors.