Punjab:Three Bambiha gangsters have been arrested after a shootout in Punjab's Moga on December 17. The miscreants were identified as Shankar Rajput, Jashav and Navdeep, associates of Bambiha gang leader Lucky Patial. Deputy Superintendent of Police Harinder Singh said that the incident took place when the three gangsters tried to flee despite warning them to stop their bike during their patrol on the Badhni-Malyana road. Thereafter, the trio abandoned their two-wheeler, hid in a nearby farm and opened fire at the police team. The police officer said that they surrendered during the encounter following an injury, but not caused by firing.
According to information, this encounter occurred near a petrol pump on the Nihalsinghwala Lopo link road. It is assumed that these gangsters were planning to commit a crime went they were nabbed by the police and a huge cache of weapons was seized from their possession.