Ludhiana: Aam Aadmi Party national convener, Arvind Kejriwal, on Friday said that 450 industries from other states have shifted their operations to Punjab during the last few months and lauded Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann for his efforts. Kejriwal, also Delhi's chief minister, said Punjab is witnessing a "reverse trend" as Mann built an industry-friendly atmosphere coupled with a good law and order situation in the state.
Interacting with entrepreneurs during a town hall meeting here, Kejriwal said that this was contrary to the trend earlier when there was an "exodus" of industry from Punjab. The AAP national convener, who is on the last day of his three-day visit to Punjab on Wednesday, said that this was due to Mann's desire to make Punjab among the best in every sphere.
Kejriwal said previous governments used to see industrialists with an eye of suspicion and always think about using them, but the present government considers them "as our partners". Bhagwant Mann has restored the faith of industrialists by providing them an industry-friendly atmosphere coupled with a good law and order situation, the AAP convener said, adding that big industrial tycoons are making huge investments in the state.