Chandigarh: The Vigilance Bureau of Punjab arrested Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA Amit Rattan Kotfatta in connection with a bribery case from Rajpura, on Thursday. Amit's arrest comes days after the arrest of his close aide Rashim Garg. The latter was accused of accepting a bribe of Rs 4 lakh.
Amit had denied having any association with this bribery case then. Sources said the legislator who was elected from Bathinda's Rural seat will be produced in a court later in the day to seek his custodial remand in the case wherein the MLA has sought Rs 5 lakh as bribe to release a grant of Rs 25 lakh.
An FIR was filed against the legislator based on a complaint from Preetpal Singh, husband of the woman Sarpanch of village Khudda. The complainant also submitted an audio clip of Garg demanding a bribe of Rs 4 lakhs from his wife. Preetpal Singh claimed that the MLA himself had asked for Rs 4 lakh from his wife over the phone. Singh handed over this video clip to the Vigilance department.