Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Tuesday arrested Senior Intelligence Assistant of Intelligence wing of Punjab Police presently posted at CID Unit, Ludhiana for accepting a bribe of Rs 3,00,000 for stalling the Vigilance inquiry.
According to Director General of Police (DGP)-cum-Chief Director Vigilance Bureau BK Uppal, the Senior Intelligence Assistant Satpal, posted at Intelligence Wing, Jalandhar has been arrested by the Vigilance team for accepting a bribe of Rs 3,00,000 from the partners of JSK Logistics for stalling the vigilance enquiry.
"Three partners are running the J.S.K. Logistics company at Jalandhar. Vigilance team raided the JSK Logistics for arresting the Kailash Chand Sharma in some case. In this case, Senior Intelligence Assistant Satpal has very smartly pretended to be a Vigilance official and having links with senior officers of VB has demanded Rs 3,00,000 from the other partner Sandeep Sharma of JSK Logistics for helping and stalling this vigilance enquiry," he said.
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