Ludhiana: Punjab MLA and Lok Insaaf Party chief Simarjit Singh Bains was booked on the charges of rape, destruction of evidence and criminal intimidation on Monday, police said. The case was registered against the Atam Nagar MLA and six others on the directions of a court here. According to a complaint lodged by a 44-year-old woman here, Bains allegedly raped her on several occasions in his office on the pretext of helping her financially.
After the death of her husband, the woman's financial position became weak as the business of her son was virtually closed and their landlord started asking them to vacate the premises. Then someone introduced her to Bains, she said in her complaint. However, Bains had earlier denied the allegations levelled against him by the woman. The complainant stated before the court that she is a widow and a rape victim who has been running from pillar to post for more than one year to get justice.