Ludhiana: Police on Saturday cracked the blind murder of three members of the same family in Janakpuri area of Punjab's Ludhiana by arresting the neighbour who allegedly carried out the murder, officials said. The victims identified as Chaman Lal (80), his wife Surinder Kaur (74) and mother Jeeto (95) were found dead by the neighbours on Friday after which they informed the police about it.
Police took the bodies into custody and started investigation into the triple murder. During the subsequent police investigation, police have arrested the neighbor of the deceased identified as Robin who allegedly carried out the triple murder. Ludhiana Police Commissioner confirmed the arrest of accused Robin, at a special press conference on Saturday.
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The Police Commissioner said that Robin has confessed to his crime during police investigation. Robin, as per the Police Commissioner, nursed a grudge against slain Surinder Kaur, who often used to taunt Robin and his wife for not having a child. The accused developed a grudge and hatched a conspiracy to kill her, police said.
Police said that on the fateful day, when Robin bludgeoned Surinder Kaur with a hammer, her husband Chamanlal and his mother also woke up, due to which the accused also attacked them and after killing all three with the hammer. Police said that in a bid to hide the crime, Robin ransacked the house to make it look like the handiwork of robbers.
According to the police commissioner, the accused is a resident of Pathankot and is an auto driver by profession. However, the accused has no previous criminal record as per police.