Chandigarh:The Punjab government on Monday issued an order for the Vigilance officials working in the office to wear formal clothes. The exemption has been given only to the employees and officers discharging their duties in the field. Digital attendance has been made mandatory for those working under MNREGA, from January 1, 2023, as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Rural Development. The Central government had written a letter in this regard to all the States and Union Territories on December 23, 2022.
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"It is mandatory for those working under MNREGA to register on the mobile app National Mobile Monitoring System at the workplace," the order stated. The Punjab government received a lot of complaints, considering which the government has taken a decision regarding the dress and time restriction of the vigilance officers.
Meanwhile, the Punjab government has declared winter holidays in all Anganwadi Centres till January 8, 2023, due to extreme winter in the state. Minister of Social Security, Women and Child Development of Punjab Dr Baljit Kaur said that holidays have been ordered in all the Anganwadi Centres of the state till January 8 for winter. All Anganwadi Centres in Punjab will open on January 9, 2023.