Chandigarh:In a major additional Rs 1,500 crore bonanza for government employees and pensioners in the run-up to the state Assembly polls, the Punjab government has decided to further hike their basic pay by a minimum of 15 per cent over and above the basic pay as on December 31, 2015, in addition to the restoration of certain allowances.
With this, the total average increase in salary and pension per employee has gone up to Rs 1.05 lakh per annum, from the earlier Rs 79,250 per annum that they were getting following the government's decision to accept the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission with effect from July 1, which had earlier led to a Rs 4,700 crore bonanza for the employees. The decision was taken at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, chaired by Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, who directed all ministers, administrative secretaries and heads of departments to talk to their respective employees for early redressal of their grievances.