Chandigarh: Congress' disgruntled leader Navjot Singh Sidhu launched a scathing attack against Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh over alleged mishandling of the electricity supply crisis in Punjab on Friday. With the ongoing Punjab Congress feud gaining momentum, Sidhu claimed that the people are paying more per unit than other states. But in a recent development, reports have emerged citing that the congress leader has not paid his electricity bill amounting to Rs 8,68,499. Reports have stated that Sidhu has not paid the electricity bill of his residence in Amritsar for the past nine months.
This comes as an embarrassment to the congress leader who has not only taken potshots at Captain Amarinder Singh but also held the Akalis equally responsible for the current crisis.
Read:|Punjab Congress' infighting continues; Sidhu lampoons CM's policies
A day after the Chief Minister ordered curtailment in timings of state government offices, and cutting down of power supply to high energy-consuming industries with immediate effect, to save crops and ease the domestic power situation, Navjot Singh Sidhu said the Punjab government would not have to go for power cuts "if we act in the right direction". The Chief Minister on Thursday had appealed to all government offices to make judicious use of electricity, as peak demand in the state had touched 14,500 MW.