Punjab Congress leader Sukhpal Khaira arrested from his Chandigarh residence Chandigarh: Punjab Police arrested Congress leader Sukhpal Singh Khaira from his Sector 5 residence in Chandigarh in an early morning raid on Thursday. While Police is yet to issue a statement, Khaira's son, Mehtab Singh Khaira said that his father had been arrested in an eight-year-old drugs case “on direct orders of Punjab CM” Bhagwant Singh Mann.
Also read:Punjab Congress leader Sukhpal Khaira booked after complaint by Bholath SDM
“Hello everyone. This is to inform you that my father Sukhpal Singh Khaira has been arrested by Punjab police on direct orders of cm Punjab in an 8 year old drugs case. This is the same case which was quashed by the Supreme Court of India. The police have bypassed all procedures and even an order of the the Supreme Court to gag the voice of a strong and vociferous leader. My father has told me to to inform everyone that he is not scared of any false implication and will fight for Punjab till the very end. Truth will prevail,” Mehtab Singh Khaira said in a Facebook post.
It is learnt that police have taken Khaira to Jalalabad. Khaira has been in controversies earlier also. Earlier in the year 2015 also, a case was registered against him under the NDP Act for alleged drug trafficking. Fazilka Court had also issued summons to him at the time, but at that time Khaira was given relief by the Supreme Court.
Police had allegedly recovered 2 kg heroin, 24 gold biscuits, two Pakistani SIM cards and a country-made pistol from the smugglers. Meanwhile, Shiromani Akali Dal has condemned Khaira's surprise arrest during an early morning raid. The SAD termed Khaira's arrest as a “witch hunt and political vendetta” against the Bholath MLA.
“Political differences aside- Shiromani Akali Dal Amritsar condemns the arrest borne out of the witch hunt and political vendetta against Bholath MLA and a very respected Sukhpal Khaira ji, a fierce critic of Bhagwant Mann and AAP led Punjab government. What promised to be a ‘badlav’ is turning out to be a horror show,” SAD said in a post on X.