Chandigarh: Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring and senior leader Partap Singh Bajwa on Friday extended support to Navjot Singh Sidhu, saying while they respect the Supreme Court verdict they stand by their party colleague and his family. Former Punjab Congress chief Sidhu was on Thursday sentenced to one-year in jail by the Supreme Court in a 1988 road rage case. On Friday, he approached the apex court seeking a few weeks to surrender to "organise his medical affairs".
In a tweet, Warring said, "With due respect for the verdict of the Honorable Supreme Court, I stand by my senior colleague Navjot Singh Sidhu Ji and his family at this difficult hour". Bajwa, who is the Leader of the Opposition in Punjab, also took to Twitter to extend support. "The INC (Indian National Congress) bows before the verdict of the Honorable Supreme Court. Furthermore, the Punjab Congress and I will stand firmly behind Navjot Singh Sidhu and his family in this difficult time," he tweeted.