Chandigarh (Punjab): Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has rolled out a new initiative under the state's Mission Fateh 2.0, a part of 'Corona Mukt Punjab Abhiyan' (Covid-free Punjab Campaign) on Thursday. This initiative involves the youth of the state to help fight the pandemic.
Singh has directed to form groups of seven Rural Corona Volunteers (RCVs) per village or municipal ward as a cadre, under this initiative, according to an official statement.
As the villages of Punjab have seen the worse of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the CM has called for a strong campaign for "Corona Mukt Pind".
He has directed the Department of Sports and Youth Affairs and District Collectors to form RCVs immediately and be the torchbearers of the war against contagion.
Singh said that existing clubs can also become RCVs and that these could work as a powerful support system for the Panchayats and Municipalities in the war against COVID.
Interacting with youth from rural and urban areas through video conferencing, the Chief Minister said, "As a result of the support of the people, the number of cases in the state has come down from around 9000 to 4000+ in a matter of about three weeks. But given the impact on rural areas this time, the situation continues to be grave".
The RCVs are tasked to carry the 3Ts drive (Test, Trace and Treat) forward, and to take care of the poor and elderly in the area, while also connecting them to the Covid Control Rooms and helplines.
The RCVs are also expected to conduct Theekri Pehras in all villages to promote COVID appropriate behaviour and assist villagers in accessing adequate healthcare.
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Discouraging quacks, and encouraging the download of the COVA App, besides preparing and displaying banners and pamphlets, are supposed to be done by the RVAs, the Chief Minister instructed.
"The youth could also play a big role also in countering rumours and false propaganda on social media. The state government will extend full support to them to fight the pandemic and save Punjab together", he said.