Chandigarh:Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday met the family of Agniveer Amritpal Singh, who tragically lost his life in Jammu and Kashmir on October 11. CM Mann has handed over a cheque for Rs 1 crore to the family. He expressed his grief on social media. Taking to X (formally known as Twitter), Mann wrote that they had reached Kotli Kalan, home of martyr Amritpal Singh and paid tribute to him. A cheque for Rs 1 crore has been handed over to the family of Jawan Amritpal Singh. All the demands of the village and the Panchayat were accepted. We will also give a government job to one member of the family and will provide all possible help to the family in future."
Notably, 19-year-old Amritpal Singh of Kotli village of Mansa was recruited in Agniveer. He was posted near LoC in the Mankot area of the Mendhar subdivision of Poonch district. Sources said that he was shot in the forehead while on duty. Two days before Amritpal's death, the army had killed two terrorists. In the initial investigation, it was revealed that Amritpal was shot by terrorists.
Also read:Military honours denied at Agvineer Amritpal's funeral as per policy, he committed suicide: Army