Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday announced an immediate distribution of 10 lakh packets of dry rations to daily wagers and unorganised labourers in the state amid nationwide lockdown in the wake of coronavirus pandemic.
The packets, containing 10 kg atta, 2 kg dal and 2 kg of sugar each, would be distributed in the slums and other pockets where such daily wagers and labourers are staying in large numbers, an official spokesperson said.
The Chief Minister also ordered that these packets to be made available at the offices of Deputy Commissioners to support any such persons who do not get covered in the door-to-door distribution and may call the helpline numbers for food.
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Captain Amarinder Singh said that while the economic package announced by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman was welcome and would provide support to many sections of the society, there was, unfortunately, no immediate relief provided by the Centre to the daily wage earners and the unorganised sector workers, who have been left in the lurch following the lockdown imposition.