Fazilka: In a tragic incident, three members of a family in Punjab's Jalalabad, located in the Fazilka district, died consecutively on Friday. As per information, Mangat Singh, a resident of Tarewala village in Jalalabad, passed away after being electrocuted while operating a pump in his house. Following this, Singh's mother died out of shock, which was followed by his daughter Lakhwinder Kaur, noted Singh's elder brother.
Punjab: Man dies of electrocution, his wife, daughter die of 'shock' consequently
In a tragic incident, three members of a family in Punjab's Jalalabad, located in the Fazilka district, died consecutively on Friday.
"Mangat was raising his family alone, and getting treatment for his mother. It is a great tragedy for the family since three people died at the same time. He has a son, who has recently passed class 12. He has also completed an ITI course. We request the government to help the boy with financial assistance and a job," he further said. Jalalabad MLA Jagdeep Kamboj Goldy met Singh's extended family and expressed his condolences over the incident.
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